Pulse 2 (Pulse Series) Read online

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  They were nowhere to be found. Instead, I sat there and took sips of my drink to keep myself occupied. To the left and right of me, almost identical conversations were going-on between men and women reminiscing about the last conference they were at. I sighed in boredom as I waited for things to proceed.

  The ice in my glass started to melt. I took a sip of my watered-down alcohol and noticed the man I was staring at from the corner of my eye. I could see him heading in the direction of the bar. I suddenly found myself trying to figure-out whether or not he was actually heading toward me. While I pondered the questions in my head, he took the spot at the bar right next to me and ordered a drink.

  I turned my head ever so slightly just to look at him. He looked back at me and smiled. I returned his polite smile then turned my head away from him.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you at one of these conferences before,” he said suddenly.

  “This is my first one, actually.”

  “Really? Who dragged you here? Your mother? Father?”

  “What? No. I’m here for the company I’m working for.”

  “Wait, you’re actually here for the business conference yourself.”

  “Why? Is that strange?”

  “Yes, it is actually,” he chuckled. “Look around. You don’t see too many people our age around here. It’s the complete opposite of a trendy nightclub.”

  “Yeah,” I laughed along with him. “I guess we’re the exceptions.”

  I looked back at him and he was staring at me. He had these light gray eyes that stuck-out on his face. His skin was youthful and free from any blemishes or wrinkles. It was obvious that he wasn’t very old and he didn’t have to deal with any of the stresses that most of the men had been through. He looked like the same kind of man I would find in the trendy nightclub he just mentioned. If it weren’t for his suit, he would be little different from a man I usually talked to while I was out on a Saturday night with Danica.

  “Dante Kirkwood,” he said as he held his hand out to me. “Detit Technology.”

  “Alice Pratt. Barnett Industries.”

  He raised his eyebrows, his eyes wide as he shook my hand.

  “Barnett? Rafael Barnett?”

  “Is there another Barnett Industries?”

  “No, there isn’t,” he laughed. “But usually the representatives for his company are jaded old men.”

  “I’m sorry to disappoint you.”

  “I’m not disappointed. It’s just… unexpected. Actually, it’s more like a pleasant surprise.”

  He winked at me then took a sip of his drink. I giggled at his comment then turned my head away from him. Dante didn’t stop there.

  “So, tell me, Alice. What exactly do you do for Barnett? I’m assuming you’re just here as a representative to take in some of the demonstrations.”

  “Yes, that’s part of it. I’m just an intern though.”

  “An intern?”

  “Yes, I sit in with the board of directors and we—”

  “Wait. Hold on. This is getting more unbelievable. You’re an intern and you’re actually sitting in on the board.”

  “Yes, that’s right.”

  “…You must be a very special woman, Alice.”

  “Well, it’s not just me. There are two other interns.”

  “Interesting. I wonder what Rafael is doing over there.”

  “Sometimes I wonder the same thing.”

  The two of us laughed with one another. I didn’t even realize it but the way Dante spoke wasn’t anything like I was expecting. He carried himself like a man who was involved with big business but did so in a way that was so casual that it was disarming.

  “What about you?” I asked him. “What do you do for… Detit, was it?”

  “Yes, Detit Technologies. I’m actually giving a presentation in a few days on one of the projects I’ve been working on.”

  “Project? So, you’re a scientist?”

  “Not exactly. They sort of hired me for my expertise. They’re developing a cardiac device and they needed my input.”

  “Cardiac? So, what are you? A heart surgeon?”

  “I haven’t performed any surgeries yet. But it might come to that.”

  “Wait… So, you’re really a doctor?”

  “Is that so unbelievable?”

  “It is, actually.”

  “Almost as unbelievable as a woman who looks like she just barely graduated college sitting on the board of one of the biggest companies in the world.”

  “I’m not on the board.”

  “Not yet, anyway.”

  He grinned at me and I couldn’t help but laugh. I shook my head at him as he continued to look at me with that same smile on his face. Dante had no shame in displaying his pearly whites and to be honest, there was nothing for him to hide.

  I started to look around to observe the spectacle once again. I was reminded that Dante and I were two people who probably looked completely out of place. Two twenty-somethings in a sea of men and women who were doing this sort of thing before we were even born. Sitting in this room made me wonder why they even bothered picking a place with an island paradise outside.

  “So, what are your plans this evening, Alice?”

  “Well, I don’t know exactly how this works. But I was told to come out here and mingle with everybody else. After that, I suppose that’s up in the air.”

  “Still waiting for the orders from Mr. Barnett, I suppose.”

  “He is my boss, after all.”

  “True. I… don’t see him around here,” Dante said as he searched the crowd. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t mingle with everybody else. If you’d like, I could introduce you to a few important people.”

  He offered his hand out to me. I hesitated for a moment.

  “I know that you’re thinking,” he said. “When they realize you’re working for Barnett, they’re going to pressure you with all of their sales tactics and influence you. Whatever is they’re trying to push onto you or sell you or make you invest in, just remember that your boss has final say on everything.”

  “…Right,” I sighed. “This is… just mingling.”

  He winked at me as I took his hand. Dante led me through the crowd and introduced me to the group of men he was speaking to when I first noticed him. They weren’t any different from what I expected. Whether it was far away or up close, they were generally nondescript old men who looked like they were here for business. I did my best to be congenial with all of the men. At the same time, I searched the crowd for someone I knew. I thought it was strange that I didn’t see any sign of them. Dante must have noticed. When I turned to him, he was already looking down at me. He leaned in close to me and whispered into my ear.

  “Conversing with these men is boring,” he said. “You’re not alone. But it is something you’re going to have to get used to.”

  When he pulled his head away from me, Dante had a smirk on his face that was undeniable. I wanted to laugh just because he knew exactly what I was thinking. I had done enough mingling. Now I just wanted to relax for the rest of the night. Dante seemed to have the same idea.

  “Excuse me, gentlemen,” Dante said to the group. “Ms. Pratt has orders to meet with her boss. It’s her first time here, as you all know, so she’s a bit lost. If you’ll excuse us…”

  He bowed his head to the group and motioned for me to follow him. I did my best to follow him through the ballroom as it became more and more crowded. I didn’t know where Dante was going but I figured it would be better than standing around in this room and trying to figure out what else I was supposed to be doing. Before I knew it, we were outside of the hotel completely and taking-in a view of the beach.

  The sky was dark but the air had a crisp warmness. The smell of the ocean wafted in my nostrils to let me know that the city I called home was miles away. I leaned-up against the railing and forgot about everything I was doing. All I could think about was how different it all seemed.

  “You’ve never been to Maui before,” Dante said suddenly.

  “I’ve never been to Hawaii before. Hell, I can barely remember the last time I’ve been to the beach.”

  “Yeah,” he sighed. “I’ve been here more than once. It’s still as beautiful as it always was. But sometimes I have to remind myself of that fact.”

  Dante and I stood just behind the railing and watched as the waves cascaded one by one in the ocean. There were people out there enjoying themselves on the beach just as they were when the sun was out. I was slowly losing myself to the sight.

  “You should take the chance to enjoy yourself,” Dante said to me. “You never know when you’ll get the same chance again.”

  I turned to Dante and looked into his eyes. The smile on his face was gone. Instead, there was something else. Something in his eyes that was telling me to appreciate my time right here and right now. I smiled at him then shifted my eyes to the side. I stared at the ground as the alcohol from the one drink I had loosened me up more than I was expecting.

  “There you are.”

  I turned to the hotel and saw my boss walking through the doorway toward the both of us. I snapped myself out of the moment I had with Dante and shook my head.

  “I… I didn’t see you inside,” I said to Rafael. “Dante here was just showing me around.”

  “Dante?” Rafael said.

  “Dante Kirkwood,” he said as he extended his hand out to him. “I was just doing my best to make Ms. Pratt comfortable.”

  “Dante Kirkwood. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Rafael Barnett.”

  “The pleasure is all mine. And I know who you are.”

  “Do you?”

  “Indeed. There aren’t many men who became the CEOs of billion-dollar companies before they’re 30.”

  “My reputation precedes me. I hope that Ms. Pratt spoke well of me.”

  “Actually, she didn’t speak of you very much at all. But when she did, she didn’t disparage you.”

  “I can’t imagine you would tell me the truth even if she did.”

  The two of them laughed with one another at their friendly conversation. They were standing eye-to-eye, Dante just an inch taller than him. They both had smiles on their faces but I felt somewhat awkward standing just off to the side from them.

  “Well, I imagine that you have much to discuss with your intern,” Dante said to Rafael. “I’ll leave you two to discuss your business. Alice, it was a pleasure.”

  Dante bowed his head to me then excused himself. I watched him walk back into the ballroom of the hotel before leaving me alone with my boss.

  “I… I didn’t see you inside,” I said. “I was searching for you but—”

  “Alice, you sound apologetic.”

  “Do I?”

  “Yes. I should be the one apologizing. I was held-up. I ran into some people I knew and I introduced them to Travis and Wesley. I didn’t mean to leave you in the ballroom to fend for yourself.”

  “No, I… It’s fine. I had a good time.”

  “It looks like you made a new friend.”

  “Maybe. You told me to mingle. I mingled.”

  Rafael chuckled at me then began nodding his head. He turned his head out toward the water and I looked along with him. We enjoyed the scenery together for just a brief moment. My mind was at peace and calm. I wanted to rest my head upon his shoulder and enjoy the view. This was the kind of moment I was hoping to have with him.

  “We should head back inside,” he said. “We’re having dinner. There are some people I want you to meet.”

  “Of course.”

  Rafael placed his hand upon my shoulder for a slight moment and turned me around. Then he led me back into the ballroom and away from the scenery I hoped I would get a chance to appreciate again.

  Chapter 8

  When I stepped back inside of the ballroom, I noticed that more people were sitting down at their tables. The dance floor was just as empty as it was before. Everybody seemed to be ready for the night’s proceedings. I was curious to see what exactly those were.

  “Right this way,” Rafael said to me.

  I followed him through the crowd of people before eventually seeing the familiar faces I arrived in Hawaii with. It was a relief to see Travis and Wesley there. I knew that I wasn’t alone in a sea of men and women that made me feel out of my element.

  I took a seat next to Wesley and let out a sigh of relief.

  “So, how was it so far?” he asked me. “Did you meet a lot of interesting people?”

  “Not a lot,” I said. “But I did manage to speak to some people and keep myself entertained.”

  “Yeah, Travis and I were heading out here when we ran into Rafael. He introduced us to a couple of his friends.”


  “Yeah. Some acquaintances he knew. There’s one of them right now.”

  I looked across the table and saw Rafael greeting someone. He was a man who looked like he was in his early 40s. His hair was starting to gray but not completely. He seemed to have the youth and exuberance of a man half his age. His suit looked just as expensive as everybody else’s and the smile on his face demonstrated an enthusiasm for being out here.

  “This is the other intern I wanted you to meet,” Rafael said as he pointed across the table at me. “Alice, this is an old friend of mine, Harold Santana. Harold, this is Alice Pratt.”

  I waved to him across the table and he stared at me, seemingly half-stunned to see me sitting there.

  “Ah, yes, the lone female on the board of directors,” he said. “It’s a pleasure to finally see you for myself.”

  “The pleasure is mine,” I replied to him.

  Rafael and Harold took a seat across the table from me. The two of them quickly engaged in friendly banter.

  “Harry here is one of the first people I met when I came to one of these conferences,” Rafael explained. “He showed me the ropes and how things worked.”

  “You’re giving me too much credit, Rafael. The truth was that I was just trying to get into your head. Being part of Barnett Industries is something every executive dreams about.”

  “I know you were just using me,” Rafael replied to him. “I just appreciate the extra effort you put into it.”

  Everybody at the table laughed at their friendly exchange. I had never seen Rafael so amicable and comfortable. I wondered if this was just an act or if this was how he genuinely acted around his friends.

  “What is it you do?” I asked Harold.

  “I do a lot of things,” he chuckled. “But I suspect you’re asking what kind of business I’m in.”

  “I’m sorry. Is that not appropriate?”

  Harold started to laugh then turned to Rafael.

  “This girl has manners,” he said to Rafael. “You didn’t traumatize the poor girl into kissing everybody’s ass, did you?”

  “Alice is a lady,” Rafael replied. “And she’s a stellar representative for my company.”

  “Indeed,” Harold said as he turned back to me. “I could tell you about what kind of business I do, young lady. But it wouldn’t interest you. I know that your curiosity is a result of trying to create small talk. Let’s just skip all that. I trust Rafael’s judgment, including in manners of the people he hires. We’re in Hawaii. I’m sure the last thing you want to talk about is business.”

  Harold had a big grin on his face that made me laugh. I chuckled not just because of the way he looked at me but from the relief I felt from not having to be on. I was so wound-up and trying my best not to make a bad example of myself that I couldn’t relax. Harold seemed to be doing everything he could to make me feel comfortable.

  Before we could engage in a more friendly conversation, a man stood on the center of the dance floor with a microphone. He grabbed everyone’s attention and the chattering died down.

  “Good evening and aloha, everyone,” he announced. “Welcome to Maui. We hope that you will all enjoy your stay here at this hotel as well
as the sights and sounds of the city. Tonight marks the beginning of the International Business Conference. We have people from all over the world here. On behalf of the hotel staff, I’d like to welcome you to our fine city. We’re excited to accommodate all of the businesses and companies being represented here. Dinner will be served momentarily. We hope that you enjoy your night and the rest of your stay.”

  The crowd applauded the man as the modest festivities of the evening resumed.

  “I’ve only been here for a few hours and I’m already thinking of staying here permanently,” Wesley said to me.

  “You might be enjoying your stay here but I doubt the residents would appreciate your continued presence,” Travis said to him.

  I giggled at the two of them. I almost wanted to echo Wesley’s sentiments. We were being catered to completely. I had experienced being with Rafael and enjoying the amenities his affluence provided. But to be in a hotel with a beautiful beach just a few meters away was different. It really did feel like I was in some kind of paradise.

  Waiters surrounded every table and placed dishes in front of everybody. While I ate, Harold regaled all of us with stories about past business conferences. He didn’t bore us with details and numbers. Instead, he decided to tell us about the most scandalous things that occurred. I didn’t have any doubts that the people were involved with some unsavory things. But Harold didn’t spare any details and I wondered if he was stepping on any toes in doing so.

  “I’m sorry I’m late.”

  I looked at the woman who came out of nowhere and rushed up to our table. She was a blonde woman, her long hair tied in a tight ponytail behind her head. Her lips were a deep purple shade and were a nice contrast to her slightly tanned skin. She had these slanted eyes that were shaped like almonds and highlighted by her mascara. She was wearing an emerald green dress that looked like it was choking the life out of her body. At least, that’s the way it seemed. Either her seamstress crafted her the perfect outfit or every curve in her body managed to fit in the material perfectly.

  When she arrived at the table, Rafael got up from his seat and greeted her.

  “I was wondering where you were,” he said as they kissed one another on the cheek. “Dinner wouldn’t be the same without you.”